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[ Info ] [ How To ] [ Rule ] [ Hand:1 ] [ Hand:2 ] [ Memo ] |
Hand:2[Grand slam] | |
Grand slam Double Grand slam |
Grand slam | |
●Heavenly hand | |
●Earthly hand | |
●All honors | |
●Four concealed triplets | |
●All green | |
●Four winds | |
●Big dragons | |
Big three dragons |
●Nine gates | |
●Pure terminals | |
All terminals |
●Thirteen orphans | |
●Four quads | |
Four fours |
●Great wheel | |
The serial seven-pair |
●Four consecutive triplets | |
●Red peacock | |
●Big seven stars | |
●Thirteen unrelated tiles | |
●Count Grand slam | |
Double Grand slam | |
●Great four winds | |
●Thirteen orphans with waiting for Thirteen | |
●Four concealed triples with waiting for pair | |
●Pure nine gates | |