ZOO GAMES for iPhone
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To discarded tile operation
To meld(Pung /Chow /Kong) /Ron win operation
To Call /Kong /Pick win operation
To the interruption and the return of the play

discarded tile operation:
Two kinds of manner of operations can be selected by the Config.
  • W-Taps:
    It lifts when hand tile is done in the tap once. When the same tile is done in the tap again, it throws it away to the place.
    In this mode,it is also possible to do the slide up as it is by the tap of the first time and to throw it away.

  • released:
    When hand tile is released after it touches, the tile is thrown away.

meld(Pung /Chow /Kong) /Ron win operation:
When meld(Pung /Chow /Kong) is possible, each command button is displayed.
The button is immediately executed for Ron when touching.
Other meld becomes the tile selections of the object by button touching.
  • Tile selection of Pung /Kong:
    The tile is executed and meld is executed when touching because the tile of the object lifts.
    It returns to the command selection by "Back".

  • Tile selection of Chow:
    When two or more combinations exist, the arrow button is displayed right and left of "Back".
    The combination can be changed by arrow button touching. Moreover, other candidate tiles that are translucent can be switched even if touching.
    The lifting tile is executed and meld is executed when touching.
    It returns to the command selection by "Back".

  • Meld skip:
    There is Meld skip Swich under the PAUSE button.
    Meld is not done in the state of "MELD OFF".

    MELD ON: meld(Pung /Chow /Kong) is possible.
    MELD OFF: meld(Pung /Chow /Kong) is not executed.

Call /Kong /Pick win operation:
When Call /Kong are possible, "Action" button is displayed.
The Call and the selection of the command of kong become possible by "Action" button touching.

The command selection is displayed even if not touching "Action" button when Pick win is possible.
(The command selection is displayed when touching "Back" button again)
  • Tile selection of Call:
    An unnecessary tile can be selected. The way to throw is similar to the throwing away discarded tile operation.
    It returns to the command selection by "Back".

  • Tile selection of Kong:
    When two or more combinations exist, the arrow button is displayed right and left of "Back".
    The combination can be changed by arrow button touching. Moreover, other candidate tiles that are translucent can be switched even if touching.
    The lifting tile is executed and meld is executed when touching.
    It returns to the command selection by "Back".

the interruption and the return of the play
A state on the way is automatically preserved when the application is ended while playing or it returns to the title.
Please select "Continue" by the title menu when you restart the play.